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Five innovative early stage content and content technology companies have been selected to present their businesses and offerings to 300 industry leaders (including Newstex President Larry Schwartz who is the event chairman and host) during the SIIA Previews at the Software and Information Industry Association's (SIIA) 2014 Information Industry Summit.The selected companies will be showcased during the event, which will be held from January 29-30 in New York City. Conference attendees will have a chance to vote for the company that is "Most Likely to Succeed".Over its six-year history, nearly 100 companies have presented at an SIIA Previews event, and as a result, many of those presenting companies have received investments, been acquired, or created partnerships with SIIA member companies.The five companies selected in a tough competition to present at the 2014 SIIA Previews event in January are:CrowdComputing Systems, Inc.CrowdComputing Systems offers a software platform that uses both machine learning and crowdsourcing to help businesses reduce the cost and increase the speed of processing data and creating content. The platform is workforce agnostic and its model allows users to harness distributed workers from any online community or talent exchange, include a user's own employees.Kulu Valley Ltd.Kulu Valley combines video with slides to create video-rich online presentations. Users can upload media or record from nearly any source to quickly and securely present that content to specific audiences. Users can also measure the results of their content.MondecaMondeca provides a Smart Content Factory to help publishers aggregate relevant domain data models and vocabularies and infuse them into generic systems such as search and recommendation engines, text-mining, CMS, and DAM. The software systems “learn” the language of their users over time which boosts the productivity of content management delivery processes.PresslyPressly offers a self-serve platform that enables marketers to curate content from social networks and around the web into more engaging destinations making it the "Flipboard for Enterprise".TinypassTinypass is an e-commerce platform that integrates with popular content management systems and enables content creators and media owners to monetize their digital content quickly and effectively. There are a variety of pricing, access, and subscription options, so content owners can develop customized paid content offerings that fit their audiences and support their revenue strategies.Congratulations to all of the companies selected to present at the 2014 SIIA Previews event. For more information about the conference or to register to attend, visit the Information Industry Summit website.

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