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video camera content

For online publishers, content marketing is ingrained into everything they do. As an online publisher, you need to find ways to give your content wider exposure in order to build your audience. Creating video content is a great way to give your content wider exposure, and Andrew Angus of Switch Video put together a list of three specific ways you can use online video as a content marketing strategy to increase your online publishing success.1. Integrate online video with your other content publishing efforts.The best marketing strategy is an integrated marketing strategy where one component feeds off of the next. Andrew explains, "Video marketing has exponential reach. Online, content syndication is the norm. Brands can easily integrate videos with blogs and social media, creating new distribution channels. Content is never standalone."Online video is the perfect place to repurpose your blog or other content to get it in front of audiences who prefer to consume video content over reading text. By intriguing people through your video content, you have the opportunity to lead them back to your blog or website where you can deepen your relationship with them. Which leads us to #2 below.2. Be human and build relationships.Video content can add a new layer of personality to your content, and video can make it easier to tap into people's emotions. Let's face it -- getting an emotional connection with your audience is critical to building relationships that lead to loyalty and advocacy. In his post, Andrew quoted an article I wrote for Entrepreneur where I discussed the importance of tapping into consumers' emotions in order to motivate them to pay attention to you and do business with you (or in this case, read your content).In discussing how to use video to humanize marketing relationships, Andrew suggests, "Video connects audiences to real human faces, beyond chunks of text on a screen." There is a reason why research studies show time and again that websites and videos that include real people, looking directly into the camera, drive higher results than websites and videos that lack those elements -- people respond to other people. It's that simple.3. Differentiate your content and your brand.Andrew explains, "In under a minute, you can tell your company's [or your site's] entire story in a way that gets people energized and distinguishes yourself from the competition and leaves a lasting impression on potential customers [i.e., your audience]." In other words, any online publisher can claim to offer the most comprehensive coverage or be the leading online publisher for a specific topic, but video enables you to prove it in a visual and auditory way within a couple of minutes.Bottom-line, people like to consume content in different ways. By offering varied ways for people to experience your brand through your content, you open the doors to build a larger audience. Video is just one more way to do it that can be extremely effective thanks to its shareability and the syndication opportunities that publishers can pursue to spread and monetize their content in new ways.Image: Philipp Pilz

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