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apple app store

2012 was a busy year for Apple's App Store with a massive number of new apps debuting, a wide variety of apps being downloaded, but only a small number of apps getting significant traction.The App Store was also a source of complaints and controversy in 2012. Remember the Apple Maps app debacle. Research found the app to be three times more likely to get you lost than Google Maps.Fortunately, Google Maps returned to the App Store and people could rest easy that they wouldn't be erroneously directed into the Australian Outback rather than their very different, intended destination.Appsfire created the infographic to recap the evolution of the App Store during 2012. Some of the highlights include:

  • More than 1 million apps have been approved by Apple and included in the App Store.
  • Nearly 100,000 new developers submitted approved apps to the App Store in 2012.
  • 1 in 4 apps that have been approved were later pulled from the App Store.
  • Fewer than 1,000 apps made it to the top ranks of the App Store in 2012. Over 600,000 never got any traction at all, and nearly 300,000 apps were retired.
  • Fewer than 17% of apps in the App Store are games yet the majority of apps in the top 10 list in the App Store are games.

You can see the infographic from Appsfire below. Click the image to view it at full size.

2012 A Year in the App Store

What can we learn from the evolution of the App Store in 2012?

  1. Even the best apps have little chance at success if there is not a powerful marketing push behind them to increase awareness and trial.
  2. If you can create a game to effectively reach your goals, do it.
  3. App Store approval doesn't mean your app is safe. It could get pulled at anytime, so focus on creating a high quality app that delivers something your audience truly needs in a mobile environment.
  4. If you offer your app for free (you can monetize it with in-app games if you need to make money), you have a higher chance at driving downloads.

Consider your app development goals and use the lessons learned in 2012 to guide your efforts in 2013.Image: Cristiano Betta

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