ACI showcased the ACI Scholarly Blog Index in late May at the 2015 Society for Scholarly Publishing (SSP) 37th Annual Meeting in Arlington, Virginia.If you're not yet familiar with the Society for Scholarly Publishing, or SSP, it is a non-profit organization founded in 1978 that focuses on issues within the scholarly publishing community. Its mission is "to advance scholarly publishing and communication, and the professional development of its members through education, collaboration, and networking."
SSP's Blog: The Scholarly Kitchen Visit the Blog | View in ACI

The theme for this year's annual meeting was The New Big Picture: Connecting Diverse Perspectives. It was held from May 27-29, 2015 at the Marriott Crystal Gateway in Arlington, and Pat Sabosik, Aura Novembre, and Larry Schwartz exhibited in Booth 104. Pat also presented a lightning talk in the New and Noteworthy Product Presentations Concurrent 1C Previews Session, which ran from 10:30am to 12:00pm on May 28.As you can see from this speaker bios list, Pat, Aura, and Larry were in pretty great company. Representatives from ORCid (which we use in ACI), figshare, and several others were speaking, with programs covering topics like open access, leadership, metadata in discovery, products & tools for scholarly researchers, the future of scholarly publishing, and many more. There were also pre-meeting seminars and concurrent program sessions (like Pat's).
"Publishers, societies, librarians, funders, authors and researchers have all observed our ecosystem evolving in response to changes brought about by new technology, government directives, budget challenges, and user preferences. At the 2015 SSP Annual Meeting, we will step back collectively to examine the ways in which our 'big picture' is shifting."Society for Scholarly Publishing on this year's theme

For more information on SSP's annual meetings, visit the SSP Annual Meeting page. (Non-SSP-members can also register to attend.) You can learn more and see the schedule for the individual meeting programs and exhibitors here, or click here to see the full preliminary program, for the meeting that just passed to get an idea of what the SSP annual meetings offer attendees.Those who weren't able to attend followed the action by visiting SSP on Twitter @ScholarlyPub and by keeping an eye on the #ssp2015 hashtag.Missed your chance to get your own demo of the ACI Scholarly Blog Index at the SSP annual meeting? Just let us know... we'll be happy to show you what you missed!