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Did you know the best time to share content on Twitter or Facebook to maximize click-throughs is between 1:00 p.m. - 3:00 p.m. Eastern Standard Time (EST)? That's the sweet spot according to research from URL shortener, and it's different from what KISSmetrics reported last year.The report recommends posting content on Twitter and Facebook as follows to get the most clicks (all times are EST):

  • Post content on Twitter between 1-3pm on Monday-Thursday.
  • Post content on Facebook between 1-4pm midweek. Wednesday at 3pm is best.
  • Content posted on Twitter after 8pm on any day or after 3pm on Friday or on the weekend gets the fewest clicks.
  • Content posted on Facebook before 8am or after 8pm or on the weekend will get the fewest clicks.

If you're targeting the Tumblr audience with your content, then offers very different suggestions for when to post in order to maximize click-throughs. The Tumblr audience behaves quite differently from the Twitter and Facebook crowds. To get the most clicks, suggests the following:

  • Content posted on Tumblr after 7pm gets the most clicks.
  • Clicks on content posted on Tumblr begin to ramp up at 4pm.
  • Friday evening is the best time to post content on Tumblr to get the most clicks.
  • Bitly traffic peaks between 7-10pm on Monday and Tuesday. Sunday is similar.

These findings could be very helpful as you try to promote your content across the social web and drive more traffic to it. Timing your tweets and Facebook posts could make a big difference!The digital agency Raka created an infographic, which you can see below, that visualizes the Twitter and Facebook highlights from the study.

best time to post on twitter facebook infographic

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