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Sysomos conducted an interesting study about bloggers and online video engagement that sheds light on how bloggers are sharing online video content.  With Nielsen reporting that over 11 billion online video streams were viewed in the United States during the month of September 2009 by 139 million unique users (24.8% and 11.3% growth compared to September 2008, respectively), there is no doubt that online video is only going to get bigger, and bigger, and bigger.With that inevitable continued growth in mind, Sysomos decided to study how bloggers were using the tools of social media to engage with and share online videos.  The assumption of the study is simple and follows the rules of common sense -- if bloggers find online videos interesting enough (good or bad) to link to them from their blogs or embed them in blog posts, then they must be trying to share those videos so others can engage with them, too.To get data, Sysomos studied over 100 million blog posts between July through September 2009 and identified links and embedded videos from,,, Metacafe,,,, Yahoo! Video, Google Video,, and MSN Video.Following are some of the most interesting statistics from the sudy:

  • YouTube is the most popular site for embedding and linking videos with 81.9% of linked and embedded videos in blogs coming from (or leading to) YouTube.  Vimeo is second with just 8.8% share.  Daily Motion has 4.0%, MySpace 1.1%, and Google 1.0% (remember, Google owns YouTube as well).  Each additional site in the study accounts for under 1% of links and embedded videos.
  • 20-35 year old users share video through their blogs more than any other demographic group.  77% of users are under 35-years of age.
  • Men share videos more than women.  60% of all users are male.

Check out the chart below for the overall online video sharing stats from the Sysomos study.

sysomos online video blogger engagement chart

There is no doubt that the growth of online video is poised to skyrocket, and the opportunity to create and share your own Authoritative Content online videos is wide open!

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