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Table of Contents is a site that curates content from other sources, adds commentary, and focuses on breaking news. It's a very popular site that allows people to quickly catch up on the news that interests them. The Daily Beast is actually the Newsweek/Daily Beast Company which is owned by IAC - a company with a large list of popular websites and well-known brands, including,,,,,, and many more.Andrew Sullivan is a blogger for and he recently sat down with Big Think to talk about his advice to bloggers. You can watch the video interview below. Some of Andrew's tips that I agree with include:

  • Your blog is a dialogue, not a monologue, so you should treat it as a community and your readers are members of that interactive community.
  • No single person knows everything, so the collective mind is what The Daily Beast tries to get to. That's good advice for all bloggers.
  • Write content with your angle of entry based on your knowledge, but the goal is to provoke conversation to get to the core of a subject.
  • Be yourself. Be honest. Be open.

Keep in mind when you watch the full video interview that Andrew writes for a big blog powered by an even bigger corporation. The vast majority of bloggers don't have the manpower or time to publish new content twice a day at minimum as Andrew mandates let alone the 4-5 times per day that he outlines for a successful blog to live. Your content publishing schedule needs to match your abilities, your budget, and your goals.I disagree that a blog isn't really a blog if you only publish new content once a day. There are many successful blogs and bloggers (although not at the level that a powerhouse like has with its quick-hitting content curation business model) that publish once a day. As long as you publish meaningful content that your audience likes and engages with you to discuss or share and your blog is allowing you to reach your goals, your doing just fine.

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