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As an online publisher, creating great content is only one part of your job. You also need to promote your content and build your audience if you want to become a successful publisher. The best marketing plans follow an integrated marketing strategy where offline and online promotion efforts feed off of each other for both direct and indirect results.How many different ways are you directly and indirectly promoting your content? Are you promoting it both online and offline?Most content publishers have limited marketing plans and very few include event marketing initiatives. Just because you publish content online doesn't mean you shouldn't market that content and build relationships with your target audience and influencers at in-person events.Attending in person events and speaking at live events are excellent ways to build your content brand, which will indirectly build your online audience. However, hosting live events can work even better. Of course, hosting live events can be time consuming and potentially expensive, but with some research, careful planning, and help, you can create a live event that drives big results.Joe Pulizzi of The Content Marketing Institute shared "11 Tips for Amping up Your Content Strategy with Killer Live Events" and it's filled with insider tips he has learned developing the largest content marketing industry event in the world. His list includes specific suggestions like how to select speakers, when to start promoting the event, how to identify sponsors, developing the budget, staffing, and more. He even includes tips to create your content calendar in support of the event (before, during, and after the event). For example, Joe writes:

"We record every session, so we can repurpose that content into other formats throughout the year, including blog posts, ebooks, and infographics. I cannot stress how important recording the event is. Yet, the sad truth is that almost 90% of the events I keynote for do not record the content in any way. What a lost opportunity!"

Joe also points out that the usefulness of in-person events as part of your content marketing strategy shouldn't be undervalued. In The Content Marketing Institute's annual content marketing benchmark research, in-person events ranked as the most effective content marketing tactic for the past four years in a row!Follow the link above to read Joe's full article, and learn the key steps to develop amazing live events that will help you build your Authoritative Content brand.Image: Vicky S.