Illustration of colorful books on a shelf against a dark background.

Table of Contents

Unfortunately my cold, that started before I left the east coast, has moved into my chest producing a bad cough and I've lost my voice.  Interesting I learned last night about a company called Inn-House Doctor from the hotel concierge.  Inn-House Doctor is a match maker between hotel guests and local doctors.  Within 1 hour I had a Doctor and Nurse at my hotel door. Pretty impressive.

Photos are up on Flick from BSEC08. View them here.

John Blossom posted on Content Nation a great post on the Andrew Keen keynote.

More to come later as I feel better......


News of the day - Charlie Terry, President of is leaving the company after almost two years. Charlie and I share a common bond, horses.  Both our daughters ride horses and we share our war stories at every conference.  I'm sure Charlie will land somewhere very exciting shortly - stay tuned!


Chris Willis of presented on Russell Perkins panel "Reinvented Contents, or How Data Never Looked So Good." Footnote allows users to upload historic data.  They used the Vietnam Wall in Washington, DC as an example where you can click on any name on "the wall" and learn more about that person.  Visual interactive database. Very cool implementation - check it out
Next he showed how a user uploaded their father's letter from vietnam and attached it to that name on the wall. Pretty neat stuff.

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