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The Software & Information Industry Association (SIIA) is looking for judges for the 2010 CODIE Awards.  Are you up to the task?  You can read more about the 2010 CODIE Awards judging process here.  Following is the call for judges announcement from the SIIA along with the judge's application link.


The Software & Information Industry Association (SIIA) invites you to join us as a panel judge for the first-round review process for the annual SIIA CODiE Awards. SIIA invites representatives from the software and information industry trade press, mainstream technology writers, analysts, consultants, educators and subject-matter experts to participate in the first round of judging for the CODiE Awards. Prospective judges can submit applications online at the CODiE Awards website. Applications are reviewed for relevant experience and judges are then selected and notified of acceptance when the nomination cycles are nearly complete and we better know where we need specific expertise.APPLY NOW at first round judging process is a vital -- if not the most crucial -- part of the CODiE Awards selection process and it gives participating judges an excellent opportunity to review some of the newest and most innovative products available!We hope that you'll consider joining us as a First Round Judge for the 2010 CODiE Awards to help us honor excellence in the software & information industry.If you have questions about the CODiE Awards or need more information, please do not hesitate to contact the SIIA Awards Program Manager, Lisa Mitchell-Brooks, at 202.789.4458.

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