Authoritative Content publishers need to understand copyright laws, so they can protect their own work and be certain that they're quoting sources and providing attribution in accordance with those laws. Unfortunately, copyright laws vary from one country to another, so it's difficult for content publishers to develop even a basic understanding of how these laws apply to their content and publishing activities.Fortunately, there are many books and websites that can help you make sense of complicated copyright laws. While getting the advice of an attorney is always your best option, you can supplement your own copyright law knowledge with some personal education.There are so many blogs, websites, and books about U.S. copyright laws, but far fewer resources are available to understand Canadian copyright laws. One of the best books on the subject for non-lawyers is Canadian Copyright Law by Lesley Ellen Harris whose blog, CopyrightLaws.com, is syndicated by Newstex. The fourth edition of Canadian Copyright Law was released this fall, and it covers everything from discussing the various areas of intellectual property to global copyright from the Canadian perspective, how to protect content and legally use content, an overview of U.S. copyright law, and more.The fourth edition of Canadian Copyright Law has been completely updated with new information about copyright issues for digital media publishers and examples to explain complicated laws. It's also jargon-free. The Hill Times describes it as, “a useful reference, which could save speechwriters, screenwriters, all writers much grief, and lawyer fees”The book also includes a variety of application forms in an 8-part appendices and 15 chapters as follows:
- Understanding Intellectual Property Law
- Copyright Law in Canada
- Is Your Creation Eligible for Copyright Protection?
- Are Formalities Required to Obtain Copyright Protection?
- Canada and International Copyright Law
- Who Is Protected by Copyright?
- Who Owns Copyright?
- The Duration of Copyright
- Rights Protected by Copyright
- Limitations on Rights
- How Can Rights Be Exploited?
- How Is Copyright Infringed?
- What Are the Remedies for the Infringement of Copyright?
- Legally Using Content
- An Overview of American Copyright Law
Canadian Copyright Law, Fourth Edition can help you learn how you can legally use work created by another person and how you can protect and enforce your rights for your own work. As a content publisher, both situations apply to you, so it's critical that you take the time to educate yourself. This book is a great start.