The tradition continues! Calling all content foodies to join Larry Schwartz and Ed Keating (your hosts) for a Connecticut Content Breakfast. Almost an annual tradition!Content Division BreakfastDECEMBER 18 8 am - 9:30 am ETNew Haven, ConnecticutStartyour day off right by joining SIIA for breakfast in New Haven,Connecticut on December 18. There will be plenty of good food,networking, and good company.Where: Cody's Diner95 Water StNew Haven, CT 06511(203) 562-0044MapWhen: Thursday, December 18, 8:00 amPleaseregister if you plan to join us. There is no cost to register, butguests should expect to spend around $10 per person on breakfast. Wehope to see you there!REGISTER HERE![PSGallery=1cutgxc694]
Connecticut Content Breakfast - Thursday, December 18, 2008

The tradition continues! Calling all content foodies to join Larry Schwartz and Ed Keating (your hosts) for a Connecticut Content Breakfast. Almost an annual tradition!