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comScore released statistics related to the U.S. mobile market for July 2010 this month, and a few highlights stand out:

  • Google continues to steal market share with its Android device in the smartphone market, but RIM continues to dominate the market with its BlackBerry device.
  • When it comes to mobile content usage, text messaging is the dominant activity.

Let's take a closer look.When it comes to smartphones, BlackBerry continues to hold onto the lead with 39.3% market share compared to the closest competitor, Apple, with just 23.8%.  Coming up from behind is Google with 17.0% market share and growing.  In fact, between April 2010 and July 2010, Google saw a 5.0% increase in market share while RIM and Apple experienced market share declines of 1.8% and 1.3%, respectively.  Microsoft and Palm bring up the rear at a distant 4th and 5th place.Perhaps even more interesting is the data comScore released related to mobile content usage in July 2010 in the United States, which is shown in the chart below.

There is no doubt that text messaging is the dominant mobile content consumption activity, but the two biggest activity gains can be seen in online activities -- using a browser, which saw a 2.5% increase between April 2010 and July 2010, and accessing social networking sites or blogs, which increased by 1.9%.  Coming in third place in terms of growth according to the comScore study is downloading apps.Clearly, the future of content consumption on mobile devices looks bright based on the comScore statistics.  For authoritative publishers, like the publishers who syndicate their content through Newstex, mobile content consumption represents yet another way to put valuable content in front of engaged audiences!

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