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Content Marketing for Dummies by Susan Gunelius (Newstex's Marketing Consultant) was released this month and is available through all online and offline book sellers, including, Barnes & Noble, Borders, and so on.The book is part of the popular "For Dummies" series of books published by Wiley and helps anyone learn how to create and use content to build a brand, business or career. Content is separated into three distinct types: long-form content, short-form content, and conversational content with tools, tips, strategies, and sample plans provided to help anyone who wants to leverage social media and the broad reach of the online word to grow personally or professionally.The Content Marketing for Dummies Cheat Sheet is available for free on and includes useful websites for content marketing, a content marketing strategy worksheet, and a content marketing strategy template.The book is currently on sale for 35% off on Amazon, which brings the price down to just over $16.00. A Kindle version is also available.

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