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Table of Contents

A new book by Ann Handley of MarketingProfs and C.C. Chapman of Managing the Gray, Content Rules, teaches readers how to create blogs, podcasts, videos, ebooks, webinars and more that engage customers and ignite your business.Content Rules is part of David Meerman Scott's highly popular New Rules series and teaches you how to write stories that interest people the same way that journalists do.  Content strategy and tactics are provided as are numerous case studies.  It's a great read for anyone who wants to get started in creating content to build a business or enhance their existing content-related efforts.The authors are seasoned content professionals.  Ann is the chief content officer of MarketingProfs, a widely popular marketing website, and her content appears on sites like Mashable and The Huffington Post.  C.C. is the host of a successful new media podcast, Managing the Gray.  Together, their years of experience in the social web space enable them to put together a usable guide to effective content creation and publishing.Both the MarketingProfs site and MarketingProfs Twitter stream are syndicated through Newstex Authoritative Content as is C.C.'s Managing the Gray podcast, so Ann and C.C.'s reputations as publishers of respected and trustworthy content are well established.  If you want to build upon your content strategy, check out Content Rules and learn from the experts.