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The mobile device market is exploding and publishers and businesses are anxiously trying to learn how best to provide content to consumers via mobile devices, particularly smartphones and tablets. The recipe for success is far from being discovered, which means the doors are wide open for businesses and publishers of all sizes to stake their claims in the mobile space.The question for both brands and content publishers is: Do you need a mobile app?Unfortunately, there isn't an easy answer to this question because an answer given today is most certainly going to be outdated and wrong a year from now. In fact, it might be wrong tomorrow. If you're wondering if you should create a mobile app for your Authoritative Content, for your business, or for your brand, then the infographic shown below, which was developed by, might be helpful to you. You can click on the image below to view the infographic at full size.

Bottom-line, your mobile app shouldn't replace a great mobile website. In other words, don't put the chicken before the egg. However, you need to understand how your audience wants to consume your content and engage with your brand. A mobile app can offer diverse ways for people to access the type of content they want and need. That's where a mobile app can become a valuable part of your marketing strategy. It can integrate your content with mobile tools and become an integral part of your audience members' fast-paced, mobile-dependent lives.What do you think? Do you need a mobile app? Leave a comment and share your thoughts.

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