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seo 2013

Are you using the right SEO tactics to ensure your Authoritative Content ranks well on Google and other search engines? The mix has changed over the years, and what works in 2013 isn't the same as what worked just a couple of years ago.Brian Honigman explained what you need to know about SEO in 2013 on the SumAll blog, and it's a must-read for all online publishers. He succinctly describes how you can gain traction on search engines and increase your Google rankings by focusing on the right strategic mix as follows:

  1. Technical = 12% of the total search engine algorithm
  2. Content and On-Page Optimization = 26% of the total search engine algorithm
  3. Social Media = 31% of the total search engine algorithm
  4. Backlinks = 31% of the total search engine algorithm

Brian explains that the days of stuffing keywords into content and buying backlinks are over. Today, Google penalizes those tactics. Instead, he says that you need to focus on creating quality content, and I completely agree with him.Yes, there is a lot more to SEO, but by focusing on creating what I refer to as "shareworthy" content, your Authoritative Content brand, your audience, and your search engine rankings and traffic will grow organically. The icing on the cake is that organic traffic is typically sustainable over the long-term.Consider this equation as you create your content:

USER EXPERIENCE (quality content) + DISTRIBUTION (content reach) = SUCCESS

Focus on providing a relevant, useful, and meaningful user experience on your website by creating quality content that your audience trusts. Your content should adhere to the 3 Rs of Authoritative Content:

Authoritative Content is RELIABLE, RESPONSIBLE, and REPUTABLE.

If you consistently and persistently publish content that meets the 3 Rs and develop a strategic distribution plan to extend your content reach, you'll be on your way to reaching your goals. Supplement your efforts with short-term marketing and SEO tactics, and you'll have a full-fledged marketing plan!

SEO Success Tips for 2013

Brian shared a long list of SEO tips in his article, and I highly recommend that you read it in its entirety. Here are just a few of his tips:

  • Make sure your site speed and page load speed are fast!
  • Include an XML sitemap on your site.
  • Don't publish duplicate content.
  • Use keywords in title tags, URLs, and meta descriptions.
  • Publish consistently (i.e., frequently).
  • Make it easy for people to share your content.
  • Consider guest blogging to build backlinks.

Click on the link above to read all of Brian's tips, and read more content about SEO here on the Newstex blog by following the links below:

Image: Svilen Milev