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It's the final day of 2012, which means content publishers already have the wheels in motion to start 2013 with a bang. It seems like a perfect time to think about how content consumption will change in 2013 and how Authoritative Content publishers need to adapt to stay relevant in the new year and beyond.The infographic shown below from Morrison Foerster visually depicts how social media usage will change in 2013, and those changes will directly affect content consumption and publishing.For example, take a look at the average time visitors spend on social networking sites per month shown in the infographic. As Jeff Berezny of Tent Social points out, time spent on Facebook is 135x times the time spent on Google+, and the time spent on Pinterest is about 5x more than the time spent on Twitter.In 2006, Americans spent an average of 2.7 hours on social networking activities each month. In 2011, that time grew to 6.9 hours. Time spent on phone, email, mail, socializing in person, taking care of household members, and watching television offline dropped -- for every one of these activities. However, the time spent watching television online nearly quadrupled.One of the biggest changes in content consumption that content publishers need to consider as they develop their content strategies for 2013 is the increase in multiple screen consumption. 65% of tablet owners surf the web while watching television according to the data in the infographic below. 61% of those people watch television and use the internet at the same time while 29% watch television and use Facebook at the same time.Considering the fact that 56% of people in the United States have a social networking profile and 22% of people in the United States actually use social media several times a day, it's not surprising that social media accounts for 18% of time spent online.Take a look at the infographic below for all of the details and think about how your content publishing plans should evolve to stay current with changing content consumption activities in 2013 and beyond. You definitely don't want your content to fall behind and become irrelevant.Click the image to view the full-size infographic at the source.

Social Media time spent infographic

Image: Refeia

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