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Want to double your Pinterest followers in just five minutes per day? WhoIsHostingThis? shows you how to do it in a new infographic (see it below).The more people who have an opportunity to see your content, the more will remember it, share it, and come back to your site to read more of it in the future. Increasing your content reach is an important part of your content marketing plan, and Pinterest is a tool that can help you do it. In fact, with more than 25 million users, Pinterest is an often overlooked piece of the content marketing and social media marketing puzzles.Not sure if Pinterest is the right place to extend the reach of your content? Take a look at these Pinterest statistics from the infographic:

  • A pin is repinned an average of 10 times. The average tweet is only retweeted 1% of the time.
  • 80% of all of the pins on Pinterest are repins.
  • Brand images that do not include people's faces are 23% more likely to get repinned.
  • Red, orange, and brown images are two times more likely to get repinned than blue images.
  • Images with medium lightness are 20 times more likely to get repinned than dark or mostly black images.
  • U.S. consumers who use Pinterest follow an average of nine retailers.
  • Pinterest produces four times more revenue per click than Twitter and 27% more than Facebook.
  • A pin produces an average of $0.78 on ecommerce sites (up 25% since 2012).

Pinterest is an active site and users are highly engaged. That means you need to be active, too. Not only do you need to share a lot of content (and not just your own content), but you also have to like, repin, and comment on other people's pins. Many of the suggestions in the infographic below are very helpful, but remember, you should do what works best for you and your goals when you use any social media marketing or content marketing tool (including Pinterest) to extend the reach of your content. Most importantly, get on Pinterest and start interacting.

Double Your Pinterest Followers in Just Five Minutes a Day - Via Who Is Hosting This: The Blog


What are your top Pinterest tips for extending the reach of your content? Share your thoughts in the comments below.Image: via Flickr licensed CC BY-SA 2.0