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roger mcnamee

Over the weekend, I attended the Mashable Connect conference in Orlando, Florida, and I walked away with some great insights and food for thought. One of the presentations focused on how to reinvent the web, and I didn't just enjoy this presentation because the presenter, Roger McNamee is a really cool guy.Sure, Roger's got a deep background in finance, investing, and the music and entertainment business (members of his band, Moonalice, played with members of the Grateful Dead and a host of other music legends), but also, one of his business partners in his venture capital firm, Elevation Partners, is U2 lead singer Bono (the company name is a hat tip to the popular song by U2). I still list The Joshua Tree Tour back in the late 1980s as one of the must fun concerts I've ever been to, but I digress.Roger shared his view on mobile and social as they relate to the web today saying, "Social and mobile are the ante to get in the game now, but you have to be great and do something better than everyone else to win." Throwing your chips on the table is just the first step and is unlikely to win you the pot.He suggested that paid content can ignore the Android device entirely, and focus efforts on delivering mobile content via the iPhone and iPad. Roger told the audience, "Ask children under the age of 8 how they access content. They don't use computers the way we do today. They don't want a desktop computer. They want an iPhone or an iPad. We're soon going to live in a world where your mobile phone becomes the set top box for your TV."What does this mean for content publishers? Think beyond the traditional web. It's being reinvented as we speak, and mobile content delivery that's "great" and "better than everyone else" will lead the way.What do you think?Image: Flickr

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