Illustration of colorful books on a shelf against a dark background.
A portrait of Tanvir Zafar of ATZCrypto
Photo courtesy of Tanvir Zafar
Photo courtesy of Tanvir Zafar

Table of Contents

The basics

What made you become a content creator?

Tanvir Zafar of ATZCrypto: I've always had a passion for finance and technology, and I saw content creation as a way to combine these interests. It allows me to share my insights, educate others, and contribute to the conversation in the rapidly evolving fields of cryptocurrency and finance.

What are some of the challenges you face as a content creator?

Tanvir Zafar: Content creation can be incredibly rewarding, but it comes with its own set of challenges. Staying updated with the latest trends and news, maintaining consistency in output, and dealing with the occasional negative feedback are some of the common challenges. Additionally, in the crypto space, the complexity of the subject matter and the need for accuracy can pose unique challenges.

What are some digital publications that you follow?

Tanvir Zafar: I follow several reputable digital publications, including CoinDesk, CoinTelegraph, Bloomberg Crypto, and The Block. These sources provide valuable insights, breaking news, and in-depth analysis that help me stay informed about the cryptocurrency and finance markets.

Choosing syndication

Why did you decide to syndicate your content with Newstex?

Tanvir Zafar: Syndicating content with Newstex provides a wider distribution reach for my work. It allows my content to reach a broader audience through various channels, increasing its visibility and credibility.

What do you think are the benefits of syndicating your content through Newstex?

Tanvir Zafar: Syndicating content through Newstex offers benefits such as increased exposure and access to a network of reputable publishers. It helps establish authority and trust in the industry while expanding the reach of my content.

Pros and cons

What do you like most about creating digital content?

Tanvir Zafar: What I love most about creating digital content is the ability to share knowledge and insights with a global audience. It's incredibly satisfying to see your work making a positive impact, educating others, and contributing to meaningful discussions.

What do you dislike most about creating digital content?

Tanvir Zafar: One of the challenges in content creation is dealing with negativity and criticism that can sometimes arise. It's important to develop a thick skin and focus on constructive feedback while ignoring the noise. Additionally, managing time and balancing content creation with other responsibilities can be a struggle.

What inspires you to keep writing?

Tanvir Zafar: The rapidly evolving nature of the cryptocurrency and finance industries is a constant source of inspiration. There's always something new to learn and share with the community. I'm also motivated by the idea that my content can empower individuals to make informed financial decisions and navigate the complexities of the crypto space.

Final thoughts

What are the top 3 tips you can give to others wanting to develop successful digital publications?

Tanvir Zafar:

  • Stay informed and become an expert in your niche.
  • Consistency is key; establish a regular posting schedule.
  • Engage with your audience and build a community around your content.

Where do you see your publication in 5 years?

Tanvir Zafar: In five years, I envision my publication as a trusted source for news, in-depth analysis and insights in the cryptocurrency and blockchain sectors. I hope to have expanded my team and continue to provide valuable content while staying at the forefront of industry developments.

What has been your proudest achievement as a content creator?

Tanvir Zafar: My proudest achievement as a content creator has been the positive impact my work has had on individuals' financial literacy and understanding of cryptocurrencies. Knowing that I've helped people make informed decisions and navigate these complex markets is incredibly rewarding. On the other hand, my articles have been published on sites such as Benzinga, Entrepreneur, Fxstreet and many more.

Tanvir Zafar is the founder of ATZCrypto. He is also an experienced writer, passionate about covering topics about blockchain, cryptocurrency news and markets. He has five years of writing experience in these areas. You can find his pieces featured on Benzinga,, and other financial publications. Tanvir received his BS in software engineering from Government College University, Faisalabad and previously worked as a banker.