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Today, Newstex announced the release of a new Authoritative Content iPhone App that delivers authoritative content to consumers at their fingertips and at anytime.


The Newstex Authoritative Content Distribution System (“CDS”) for iPhones® is an end-to-end system that enables distributors and publishers to private-label their own content, as well as Authoritative Content from Newstex, on the wildly-popular iPhone and iPod Touch devices from Apple.The Newstex iPhone CDS offers distributors and publishers the following features:

  • Distribution of proprietary content, as well as Authoritative Content from Newstex.
  • A private-label iPhone App that fully integrates with any distributor’s or publisher’s corporate brand
  • Support for text, images, audio and video, including active hyperlinks
  • Remote configuration capability for enabling/disabling content and customizing the private-label App’s look-and-feel
  • Enterprise-grade, back office reporting, accounting and analytics

Here's how it works:

  1. Distributors and publishers that partner with Newstex to deliver Authoritative Content to their professional customers via Newstex’s revolutionary iPhone CDS can customize the Newstex app to provide a uniquely-branded experience to end-users.
  2. Professional customers simply download the distributor’s or publisher’s private-label app to their iPhones or iPod Touches and give their end-users an activation code to access a custom content set.
  3. End-users can immediately begin accessing proprietary content from the distributor or publisher, as well as Authoritative Content from Newstex.
  4. Using the advanced capabilities and rich user interface of the iPhone and iPod Touch, Newstex’s private-label app syncs via WiFi or cellular network and downloads the latest full-text news, blogs, twitters and video from Newstex directly to the device.

The Newstex iPhone App—available free from the Apple App store—demonstrates how the basic App will function when deployed on private-label basis.  You can get more details here, and be sure to check it out in the Apple App store (you must have iTunes installed on your Mac or PC to view the app demo).  You really do have to see it to believe what it can do!