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The biggest and most anticipated releases from Apple since the original iPhone debuted happened this week when iOS 6 and the iPhone 5 (with iOS 6) rolled out on Wednesday and Friday, respectively. Apple shipped over 1 million iPhone 5 devices and many more were sold in stores today. It is expected that Apple will sell at least 10 million iPhone 5 devices by the end of the month.Yesterday, TechCrunch reported that over 15% of users updated to iOS 6 within the first 24 hours of its release. We're happy to report that the Newstex team already has 43% of its active users running iOS 6 as you can see in the chart below.
Chris Moyer, Vice President of Technology for Newstex, explains the importance for mobile app developers to update to iOS 6:
"App developers have been pushing ever since Apple announced the iOS 6 release date to update their apps to support both the iPhone 5 (which simply has a taller screen) and the new OS. While there are only a few changes that app developers need to do to make their applications compatible with these new releases, not making those updates severely limits the total pool of possible users."
The problem for users is apps that have not been updated to iOS 6 will appear in a letter-boxed format on the new iPhone 5 because of the taller screen on the device. That could significantly affect the user experience.Have you upgraded to iOS 6 yet? Take the poll below.