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In a new press release, Good Technology released results from a new study into the use of the iPad in the Enterprise environment.  The results show that the iPad is by far most popular in the financial sector than any other.  When analyzing its own install base, Good determined that 36% of its customers deploying iPads are from the financial sector, far more than the next largest sector -- high tech at 11.4%.  You can see the breakdown by sector in the chart below.

While most companies are still putting the iPad through security testing to ensure it integrates into the enterprise without any glitches and wondering what additional value the iPad brings to the organization, early adopters are embracing the ease-of-use, portability, and the ability to discuss presentations and data in small group meetings without the use of a laptop, projector, or other cumbersome equipment.There is no denying that the iPad is the cool gadget on the market right now with 1 million iPads sold within the first 28 days after it launched, and with the continued skyrocketing growth in mobile apps, it looks like the iPad is only going to grow more popular in both the consumer and enterprise space.  The question now is how many more devices will launch within the next few years and how far the prices will drop before there is mass consumer adoption.Any predictions?  5 years? 10 years? 1 year?  Leave a comment and share your thoughts.

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