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Newstex is sponsoring CloudCamp Rochester which will be held on March 24, 2012 at the Rochester Institute of Technology, Golisano College of Computing and Informational Sciences, in Rochester, New York.The goal of CloudCamp is to advance cloud computing in general through open discussions among end users, IT professionals, and vendors. Conference organizer David Kavanagh from Eucalyptus Installation says, "We're pleased to run the first CloudCamp in Rochester this spring. We'll be combining the best un-conference style with some must-see speakers from the industry. If you have something to share, put yourself on the schedule in the morning! Come learn and network with the other cloudies in Rochester and the region."Newstex vice president of technology Chris Moyer explains, "CloudCamp is a Developers "un-conference", with headline speakers including Jeff Bar. Everyone that attends also presents, so it's a great time to find out what your peers are working on. It's based off of the popular "BarCamp", with a focus on CloudComputing of all types. CloudCamp is not just about AWS, but all cloud computing in general. Amazon Web Services, Microsoft Windows Azure, IBM Cloud, and Google AppEngine are all expected to have a presence at this conference."Speakers at CloudCamp Rochester are being announced, and so far the list includes:

  • Jeff Barr, lead evangelist from Amazon Web services who will talk about public crowd infrastructure.
  • Greg Dekoenigsberg, vice president of community at Eucalyptus who will discuss private and hybrid cloud infrastructure
  • Jim O'Neil, developer advocate from Microsoft, will speak about Platform as a Service (PaaS)

Chris and the team of Newstex developers will be at CloudCamp Rochester. They'll be giving away some free gifts to the first attendees, so get there early!You can register for CloudCamp here.

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