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This week, Joe Raczynski, an Applications Integrator for Thomson Reuters,  Legal wrote a guest blog post on Legal Current, a blog from Thomson Reuters that offers information and commentary on the business and practice of law.  In his post, Joe explains the many opportunities that Twitter offers to law firms, including:

  1. Twittter is a megaphone to share firm news and messages.
  2. Twitter opens a dialogue.
  3. Twitter enables law firms to search for active conversations about their firms and engage.
  4. Twitter creates goodwill.

Joe explains in his article:

"The gesture by a firm in the form of a rapid reply satiates most because  then their tweet does not fall into the abyss. Therefore the tweet  becomes an actual two way conversation. It is a perfect opportunity for a  firm to engage."

Joe suggests that law firms use tools like Twitter Search to follow conversations about their firms and topics of interest that are happening on Twitter.  I recommend using tools like Monitter, the Advanced Twitter Search function, and TweetBeep to get started.Joe also points out that law firms need to take great care in assigning the role of firm tweeter to the right person (or people).  He explains that Twitter offers an opportunity to acknowledge people by quickly responding to tweets related to a firm or topic of interest.  Joe explains, "Ultimately a timely response creates tremendous goodwill on behalf of  the firm. However it should be noted that the reply should be crafted  from a customer facing department who can properly engage in the  conversation as opposed to a general firm user with a Twitter account."I am a firm believer that the tools of the social Web, including Twitter, can help any business in a wide variety of ways, including brand building, word-of-mouth marketing, increasing search traffic, and more.  Social media presents an amazing opportunity for businesses of all sizes and around the world to compete on a more level playing field than ever with very little monetary investment or barriers to entry.  Suffice it to say, I whole-heartedly agree with Joe's post on Legal Current.  You can read Joe's full post here.What do you think?  How is your business using Twitter or other tools of the social Web to grow?  Leave a comment and share your story.

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