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It's not a secret that transcribing your online videos can help get them indexed in multiple ways on Google and increase search traffic to them. I've written about online video search engine optimization tips here on the Newstex blog before. You can read those posts by following the links below:

If a new move by PBS is any indication, media organizations are finally figuring it out, too.This week, Andrew Phelps of Harvard University's Nieman Journalism Lab published an article about PBS' initiative to publish online transcripts of its video content using a cloud-based transcription application, MediaCloud. Already, PBS has published transcripts of 2,000 hours of online video with more to come.The problem with video transcription for most video content publishers is two-fold: it's expensive and time-consuming. Most media organizations aren't satisfied with the quality of automated transcription services and manual transcription takes too long and is too costly. PBS is taking the chance that their video transcriptions are good enough to drive some Google search traffic.No matter how you look at it, transcribing and publishing the transcriptions of your online video content along with your videos is an important part of search engine optimization, and since video sites offer less than helpful search results most of the time, Google search rankings are very important to attract more people to your Authoritative Content on the open Web.The Newstex team can attest to the fact that good transcriptions can do a lot in terms of gaining exposure for video content. Newstex transcribes all video content that is syndicated as part of our Authoritative Content offerings, and those transcriptions are critical to ensure professionals can find your relevant, trustworthy videos in order to do their jobs.If you'd like to learn more about online video syndication, check out our free ebook, The Truth about Online Video and Licensed Syndication.

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