Mobile Apps and Companies Recognized at SIIA Conference

The annualSIIA Information Industry Summit conference wrapped up last week, and several mobile apps and companies were recognized during the SIIA Previews where early stage content companies and mobile app developers were given an opportunity to present their offerings to a panel of industry leaders.

The annual Software & Information Industry Association (SIIA) Information Industry Summit conference wrapped up last week, and several mobile apps and companies were recognized during the SIIA Previews where early stage content companies and mobile app developers were given an opportunity to present their offerings to a panel of industry leaders.

Mobile App Previews

This year marked the first time SIIA Previews included a separate mobile apps category. Scott Livingston of LexisNexis presented the LexisNexis Legal News app, which was developed by Newstex. You can get all of the details about the presented mobile apps here.[caption id="attachment_3904" align="alignnone" width="500" caption="Scott Livingston, LexisNexis"]

[/caption]The full list of the apps presented during the Mobile App Previews included:

  • Lexis Nexis Legal News (developed by Newstex)
  • PR Newswire for iPad (developed by Newstex)
  • Dow Jones Investment Banker for iPad
  • Pubget for iPad
  • Factiva for iPad
  • Nexis New Search

Company Previews

The SIIA Previews for content industry companies celebrated its sixth anniversary in 2012. Larry Schwartz, Newstex President and SIIA Previews Chair, was on hand to participate in the sessions and to present the "Most Likely to Succeed" award to BestVendor  -- a company that helps business people make smarter and faster purchasing decisions through social recommendations. You can get all the details about the presenting companies here.[caption id="attachment_3906" align="alignnone" width="500" caption="Newstex President Larry Schwartz presents "Most Likely to Succeed" Award to BestVendor"]

[/caption]The full list of SIIA Previews presenting companies included:

  • BestVendor
  • Crowd Fusion
  • Narrative Science
  • Reportlinker
  • Praetorian Group
  • First Stop Health

You can view videos, see the complete presentations delivered by each company, and read interviews with the preseners on the SIIA conference website. Overall, the SIIA Previews were a success once again. Next year, the 100th preview presentation will be delivered at the 2013 SIIA Conference!

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