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multiscreen tablet tv

According to a new study by Millward Brown, AdReaction 2014, the amount of time Americans spend on mobile devices is now greater than the amount of time they spend watching television.Millward Brown surveyed more than 12,000 mobile users in a total of 30 countries who were between the ages of 16 and 44 and found that in 2014, the average multiscreen user consumes a total of seven hours of screen media each day during a five hour period.In the majority of countries, mobile devices are now the primary screen. For example, Americans spend 151 minutes on their smartphones each day versus 147 minutes watching television. More than one-third of screen time (35%) is multiscreen time where users are watching television and using mobile devices at the same time either to consume related content (meshing = 14%) or unrelated content (stacking = 22%).Interestingly, Americans are not the biggest mobile screen or multiscreen users. In China, mobile consumers spend approximately 170 hours using their smartphones each day, which is nearly twice as much time as they spend watching television. In fact, of the 30 countries researched as part of this study, smartphones are now the most viewed medium in all of them except the United Kingdom, France and Spain (TV takes the top spot in these countries) and Hungary, Poland, Russia, and Slovakia (laptops come in first place).

SlideShare Presentation

You can learn more about screen usage data from this study in the SlideShare presentation from Millward Brown below.

Millward Brown AdReaction 2014 Global Report from Millward Brown


For a quick snapshot of the data, take a look at the infographic below.

adreaction 2014 infographic millwardbrown

What Content Publishers Can Learn from the Study

Consider how your audience will consume your content and create opportunities for them to easily access it and consume it across devices. Millward Brown concludes that the keys to reaching the mobile audience are to be consistent, connected, considered, and concise. Remember, we live in a mobile-always world and as an Authoritative Content publisher, you need a mobile-always strategy.Image: Dennis Crowley

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