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The new Three Screen Report from Nielsen is out.  It's a quarterly report that analyzes video viewing habits on three screens - traditional television, Internet, and mobile phones.  This year's report shows a significant increase in online and mobile video viewing.First, the chart below shows that the amount of time people spent watching video on the Internet during the first quarter of 2009 grew by 53.2% compared to the first quarter of 2008.  


Second, the number of people who watched online video during the first quarter of 2009 grew by 13% and the number of people who watched video on mobile phones (through subscriptions and without) grew by a total of 57.1% over the first quarter of 2008.


Other interesting statistics from the Nielsen report related to mobile video viewership include:

  • Teens between the ages of 13-17 watch approximately twice as much video on mobile phones as the overall video-viewing audience does.
  • The most watched mobile video categories are comedy and weather.

While people continue to watch far more video on television vs. on the Internet or on mobile phones, that gap is expected to shrink quickly as broadband-enabled televisions roll out and online video sites promote themselves more aggressively. Additionally, the aggressive marketing of events such as the Super Bowl, March Madness and the Presidential inauguration were cited in the Nielsen report as driving online and mobile video viewing during the first quarter of 2009.  As more brands and media outlets focus on similar marketing, online and mobile video viewership should grow even more.There is no denying that online video is going to be the next big thing (in fact, it already is).  Are you offering online video yet?  If so, did you know you can syndicate your online video content through Newstex Video On Demand to grow your audience and make some money?  And if you're not offering online video yet, there's no better time than the present to get started!