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A new research report from Sysomos, a social media analytics company, was released in June and provides interesting insight into the world of Twitter.  The research was conducted on a large sample -- 11.5 million Twitter accounts. First, check out the graph from Sysomos below which shows the growth of Twitter users between March 2007 and May 2009.  Incredibly, almost 75% of Twitter users created their profiles in 2009.  60% of all Twitter users are from the United States.


A few more interesting statistics from the Sysomos report:

  • 85.3% of Twitter users publish fewer than 1 update per day.
  • 21% of Twitter users have never published a tweet at all.
  • 50.4% of Twitter users haven't published a tweet in at least 7 days.
  • 93.6% of Twitter users have fewer than 100 followers, and 92.4% follower fewer than 100 people.

Perhaps the most interesting statistic is this one: 5% of Twitter users account for 75% of all activity.  According to an article in The Guardian, there are 30 million Twitter accounts, which translates to 1.5 million active Twitter users.  It's not surprising that companies like Google and NewsCorp are rumored to be considering an offer to buy Twitter.Read more from the Sysomos report.