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Google has officially launched its new YouTube Direct, which allows organizations to better manage reader video submissions.  The Huffington Post, San Fransisco Chronicle, NPR and Politico have all signed on to use YouTube Direct as a resource.The process for organizations to use YouTube Direct is simple.  Individuals can upload their own videos related to content found on client Web sites, such as Politico, and flag their uploaded videos for review by that organization's editors.  Those editors can either approve or reject submissions for inclusion or referencing on their Web sites.  The goal is to connect media and news organizations with individual, citizen journalists.According to an article in The New York Times, Steve Grove, head of news and politics for YouTube, states that YouTube Direct allows "news organizations to control their experience with users while tapping into the community where that activity is taking place."And what's in it for YouTube?  That's simple, too.  With YouTube Direct, can position itself as a source for finding useful content rather than amateur videos created solely for entertainment purposes.This move by Google's YouTube and its media Web site partners represents one more way that individuals are publishing authoritative content online as well as the continued challenge in finding that useful, meaningful and trustworthy content.  With YouTube Direct, media organizations can cut through some of the clutter to find that authoritative content and incorporate it into their own news offerings.It's an exciting time for authoritative content publishers and distributors!Read more about Newstex Authoritative Content.