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At the Securities Industry Association's Technology Management Conference in New York this week, we announced several significant new partnerships.

We’re thrilled that Relegence selected Newstex to supply Content On Demand including Newstex tailored premium news feeds and PeopleTickers in real-time to support Relegence clients in making information intelligent.  Relegence is the industry standard for providing monitored, indexed, filtered and analyzed intelligence to the global financial markets.

Steve Fadem, president and CEO, Relegence noted, “Newstex’s Content On Demand is the fastest and most reliable news feed available. By partnering with Newstex, we deliver a broader and more relevant source of intelligence to our customers, helping them to make better and more strategic decisions.”   

We also announced the addition of automated chart pattern recognition from Recognia. Through this exciting partnership, Newstex Content On Demand now includes “technical events” developed for financial content distributors and trading platforms. Recognia is an industry leader in automated chart pattern recognition and technical analysis. Every evening at market close, Recognia’s patented pattern recognition technology analyses the price charts of every publicly traded stock to identity trading opportunities based on the principles of technical analysis. When a chart pattern or other price signal is identified, Recognia’s systems generate automated commentary based on these “technical events” including projected price points and timeframes.

Every year, the SIA show highlights exciting products and services used by the world’s financial markets. Partnering with first-rate companies like Recognia and Relegence means that we can jointly offer the sorts of news applications that the financial market participants demand.

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