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Behind the scenes at Newstex, Vice President of Technology Chris Moyer and his team work hard to ensure Authoritative Content from our publisher partners is continually flowing to distributors whose professional customers need it. The consistent and fast flow of content requires tools and services that do more than just "work."Tracking and understanding the meaning of Newstex logging systems is just one component of managing and optimizing that information flow. As Chris shared on his blog, "[Newstex] wanted to get real details on the logs more than just a simple 'what's going on right now.' There's a big difference between accepting log messages and understanding log messages."The logging system Newstex was using left a lot to be desired, and Chris was on the look out for a replacement. After trying other logging system services, Chris found Splunk Storm, a cloud-based logging system service from Splunk, a company best known for its enterprise logging system software that was finally opening its log management offering to cloud-computing applications.Newstex needed traceability in its logging system as well as speed without breaking the bank. After an early beta trial, Chris found that Splunk Storm offered the ability to not only identify when things go wrong but also to extract information from log data directly within the logging platform so his team could, "find out what the logs mean, not just what they say."When Splunk Storm officially launched in August, Jo Maitland of Gigaom explained:

"The service ticks all the boxes to be a viable cloud offering: it’s pay-as-you-go pricing, payable by credit card, no installation or maintenance of hardware or software and the ability to scale storage up or down as needed, on demand. It should help Splunk attract the new generation of developers building apps from the ground-up in the cloud."

So far Chris is very happy with Splunk Storm, and he's even quoted on the home page of the Splunk Storm website! Chris said, "I love Splunk Storm's ability to precisely extract information from my logs and generate content usage analytics and tracking for Newstex." He's also looking forward to the future of Splunk Storm which will include features such as a real-time, streaming API for searching and alerts.The video below explains Splunk Storm in layman's terms, so you can see a small part of what's happening with the flow of Authoritative Content behind-the-scenes at Newstex.

Splunk Storm Overview from BrightSource Productions on Vimeo.

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