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Online video is very much a destination-centric medium.  In other words, most people visit a specific online destination like YouTube to find video content.  However, even YouTube search results leave a lot to be desired.  Other video search tools such as Google's video search provide similarly disappointing results.It's not surprising then that research from TubeMogul reveals that the nearly as many online videos are found through blogs as are found through specific video destination searches.  Check out the stats from the TubeMogul study below:

  • 45% of online video views come from direct navigation (e.g., a specific search on by a person who knows what they're looking for)
  • 44% come from blogs (e.g., links or embedded videos)
  • 11% come from other sources (e.g., search engines, social networks, social bookmarking, video search engines, or email)

Certainly, one of the biggest challenges for online video publishers is getting traffic to their videos.  This is particularly difficult for authoritative content producers who want to get their videos in front of professional audiences who are unlikely to have time to conduct extensive, useless video searches.That's where licensed online video syndication through Newstex can benefit online video publishers.  Instead of relying on a destination-centric approach by uploading authoritative video to a myriad of video sites next to amateur, unprofessional videos, authoritative video publishers can syndicate their content through Newstex, so it's delivered through respected distributors such as LexisNexis directly to the professionals who want and need it to do their jobs.In other words, licensed syndication shifts video sharing from destination-centric to audience-centric.  Licensed video syndication through Newstex allows video publishers to not only broaden their exposure among key influencers that they're unlikely to reach on the open Web, but it also allows them to earn some money through royalty payments each time their videos are viewed.You can learn more about Newstex Video On Demand syndication here, and keep your eyes on the Newstex blog -- we're releasing a free follow-up ebook to our highly successful The Truth About Blog and Twitter Syndication.  The new ebook is about the power of online video and licensed syndication.  It will clear up confusion about licensed video syndication and discuss the incredible opportunity that online video offers to authoritative content producers.Subscribe to the Newstex blog, so you don't miss the new ebook release!Image: TubeMogul

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