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There are a lot of videos on the Internet, and it's hard to get your authoritative video content to show up amid the clutter.  Search engines don't crawl online videos the way video publishers would like them to, and while YouTube dominates the vast majority of online video traffic, there is so much clutter on that site that it's nearly impossible to be discovered by viewers.Fortunately, there are some simple steps you can take to help your online video search rankings.  Try the tips below to boost direct and indirect traffic to your video content:

1. Don't rely on one destination.

Make sure your video content can be accessed in different ways and in different places.  For example, don't just upload your video to YouTube and hope people will find it.  Instead, upload it to multiple video hosting and sharing sites (TubeMogul enables you to upload your video to their site and make it available on multiple video sites at one time), publish it on your website, syndicate your video content, and so on to increase your exposure.  Multiple sources lead to incoming links to your original content which boosts your search engine rankings over time.

2. Use keywords in your title, description and tags.

Keywords are important and your video title, description and tags might be the only content that search engines crawl to index your video content.  Make sure you use them wisely.  Just don't fill your video with paragraphs of text in the description and tons of keywords and tags.  Google flags those practices as spam techniques.

3. Focus on the long-tail.

Long-tail search engine optimization doesn't apply to text content only.  You can focus on long-tail SEO in your video content, too.  Long-tail keywords are very specific keyword phrases (often 4 words or more) that attract highly targeted search traffic.

4. Include your URL.

Don't forget to include your URL in your video description, and try to put it at the beginning of the description, so it doesn't get cut off on sites that republish the description.

5. Make your video embeddable.

Set your content free by allowing people to embed it in their own blogs, websites, Facebook profiles, and so on.  This is one of the first rules of social media marketing -- remove barriers to entry and sharing.  By letting your content flow across the Internet, more people will link to it, find it, share it, and so on creating a domino effect that leads to more traffic and better search engine rankings.What are your tips for online video SEO?  Leave a comment and share your thoughts.Image: stock.xchng

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