Present Your Mobile App at the 2012 SIIA Previews - Deadline Coming!

The deadline to apply to present your mobile app to an audience of media executives is coming!

The deadline to apply to present your mobile app to an audience of media executives is coming! All applications are due by December 16, 2011, so hurry and submit yours here.

MobileApp Previews will debut at the 2012 Software &Information Industry's 11th annual Information Industry Summit, which will be held in New York City on January 24 and 25, 2012. The MobileApp Previews event was created to highlight mobile apps for the content and content-related industry, such as news, finance, reference, and publishing apps.Selected applicants will have an opportunity to provide 5-minute demos of their apps to an audience of potential partners, investors, influencers, and customers. Following each presentation, there will be a 5-minute Q&A session.  Presenting companies also get special promotion on the Information Industry Summit conference website as well as a 20-minute feedback session with the application selection committee.To be eligible, your company must have an iOS app (iPad, iPhone or iTouch) that has been approved and is available in the Apple App store at the time of your application or will be available by January 1, 2012.Don't forget, applications are due by December 16, 2012, so apply now!Image: SIIA

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