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While Apple deals with negative press related to the not-so-perfect launch of the iPhone 4, comScore released a new report from the comScore MobileLens service for May 2010, which reveals U.S. consumer trends in the mobile market.According to the report, Samsung, LG and Motorola are leading the original equipment (OEM) market  with about one-fifth of the market each.  The story is a bit different  on the operating system (OS) side though where RIM is the dominant player  (approximately 41% market share) over Apple (approximately 24%% market  share) and Microsoft (approximately 13% market share).  The big winner  in May was Google which was the only OS to experience an increase in  subscriber market share.Here's how the mobile market looked in May:

Another interesting aspect of comScore's report reveals what people in  the United States are doing when they use their mobile devices.  The  results show that more people are using their mobile devices for more  diverse activities than ever, and the growing use of smartphones is  certainly playing a role in that shift. Internet access,  downloading apps, and accessing social networks and blogs are all  growing!The chart from comScore below shows all the details:

Is your blog mobile-ready?  Follow the link to get some ideas and check out an app that Newstex released recently with one of our online publisher partners, Newsonomics.  It's pretty cool!

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