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When Michael Jackson died, the first source to report the news was a blog, When Anthony Weiner tweeted inappropriate pictures of himself, the story began to spread thanks to a conservative political blogger, Andrew Breitbart. As Rita Braver of CBS News reports in a recent article entitled Welcome to the Blogosphere, "What a clear sign of the growing clout of bloggers."Earlier this month, I wrote a post here on the Newstex blog about the 30% decline in tweets from U.S. Congressional members following 'Weingergate.' The online conversation is both starting and spreading through user-generated content, and bloggers have become a key component of today's communications stream.However, as Braver points out, "There doesn't seem to be any way that anything catches up with bloggers, or any way of addressing whether the blogger really does something or says something that's not true." She makes a valid point. However, there is a large number of bloggers who exercise journalistic integrity and work very hard to publish Authoritative Content that people can trust.The term "blog" became akin to a dirty word a few years ago. Today, it's making a comeback as more traditional news organizations, companies, universities, and other respected people and groups launch their own blogs. Some of these online publishers might choose not to call their blogs by that name, but as William Shakespeare's Juliet spoke, "a rose by any other name would smell as sweet."Authoritative Content blogs are here to stay and they're getting noticed and getting the positive recognition they deserve as reliable sources written by experts. It's time that the larger population learned that not all content is created equal -- and that goes for blogs, too.What do you think? Are all blogs created equal? Leave a comment and share your thoughts.

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