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The team at Infographiclabs has put together another really cool infographic (I wrote about their State of the Blogosphere 2010 infographic last month).  This time, you can see the history of search engines visually.  The statistics included in the infographic that stood out to me are:

  • 93% of consumers worldwide use search engines to find and access websites.
  • 57% of Internet users search the web every day.
  • 46% of searches are for product information or services.
  • 75% of users never scroll past the first page of results.

The infographic also breaks down the popularity of the top search engines today as follows:

  1. Google = 84.73% market share
  2. Yahoo! = 6.35% market share
  3. Baidu = 3.31% market share
  4. Bing = 3.30% market share
  5. Ask = 0.71% market share
  6. AOL = 0.40% market share
  7. Other = 0.20% market share

You can take a look at the infographic below.  Remember all those old search engines that didn't make it?  Will there ever be a search engine that can rival Google?  Leave a comment and share your thoughts.

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