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Newstex President Larry Schwartz is Chairman of the SIIA Previews event being held at the 2011 SIIA Information Industry Summit in New York City on January 25 and 26, 2011.  During the SIIA Previews event, early-stage, innovative content and content  technology companies companies have a chance to present before an audience of industry leaders.

Here is how the SIIA Previews work:

The event showcases innovative B2B companies, such as publishers, content aggregators and content technology companies, with under $10M in revenue.  CEOs of selected companies will be allowed to give a 5-minute presentation and have   5 minutes of Q&A before the Information Industry Summit audience,   which will include more than 300 C and VP level executives from major   information and content technology companies, as well as bankers,   analysts, bloggers and press. Selected companies will also receive  special promotion opportunities during the SIIA Information Industry  Summit and feedback and coaching from the event Steering Committee.  Applications are being accepted from companies wishing to present at the SIIA Previews through November 19, 2011.Past SIIA Previews presenting companies, have gone on to great success such as:

  • Associated Content:  closed $6 Million in Series C Funding
  • FeeDisclosure:  purchased by Bankrate
  • Generate, Inc.:  purchased by Dow Jones
  • Keibi Technologies: purchased by Lithium Technologies

Could your company be next?There is no fee to apply, but the SIIA Previews application deadline is November  19, so hurry and submit your application and spread the word to other innovative companies you think deserve to present at the 2011 SIIA Previews.

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