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Hat tip to Joe Pulizzi at Junta42 for posting a video clip from a presentation by Andrew Davis of TippingPoints Lab from Custom Media Day in New York last month.  I just stumbled upon it now, but I wanted to publish the clip here as well because it provides exactly what many people involved in the social Web and social media need -- a time management strategy.How many times have you lost hours or productivity as you experimented with the latest Twitter app or social network?  We've all been there, but Andrew breaks up social media time management as follows:

  • Experimentation - 5%
  • Adoption - 10%  
  • Gestation - 15%  
  • Escalation - 15%  
  • Consolidation and monetization - 25%  
  • Maintenance - 30%

Great guidelines to go by.  Of course, each blogger or Web site owner will need to adjust that schedule as necessary to meet their individual goals, but this breakdown provides a great starting point.  You can watch the short video and get the details from Andrew below. Do you have a social media time management strategy that works for you?  Leave a comment and share your experience and tips!

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