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Is traditional journalism old news? That is the question asked in an infographic from WorldWideLearn (shown below) that features statistics from Pew Research's State of the News Media 2013 report as well as statistics from the Federal Communications Commission, the Bureau of Labor Statistics, and more.According to the data in the infographic, 58% of print news subscribers who frequently use an iPad report that they are very likely to cancel their print news subsciptions within the next six months. That isn't a surprising number given the fact that over 50% of tablet and smartphone owners claim to get news on their mobile devices every week and over 33% claim to do so every day.

There Is No Stopping the Cycle of Decline

Looking at those numbers along side of the findings from the Pew Research study reveals that people are switching how they access news, but there is more to the story than you might think. As print news readership continues to drop, so do newsroom staffs. That means the number of reporters and editors creating news stories is shrinking, and as you might expect, that leads to shrinking story quality, too.The data in the infographic reveals that 31% of respondents to the Pew Research study abandoned news outlets that no longer provided the information they expected. When asked why they left, 61% explained that they abandoned specific news outlets because the stories were less complete than they were in the past and 24% explained that they left because there were fewer stories.Consider the fact that 72% of adults in the Pew Research study reported that they get most of their news from friends and family, including social media, and the stage is set for a cycle of decline for traditional journalism and the news industry overall.Of course, the ship hasn't sunk yet, but it's likely it will aimlessly float for quite a while before someone finds a new model for delivering news in a way that meets current consumer demands and drives revenue for the organization publishing it. We're not there yet.You can see all of the details in the infographic below, and you can find even more data in the News Consumption in 2013 Infographic from Uberflip, which I shared last month.

Traditional Journalism: Is it Old News?

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