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In September, I published a post about The State of the Blogosphere 2010 infographic created by Infographiclabs.  Today, I'm sharing another infographic which was created by Grasshopper Group.  This new view of blogging shows the blog economy in 2010 as an infographic.

The Blog Economy infographic by Grasshopper Group tells us a lot about how bloggers used social media in 2010 and how they earned money from their blogs in 2010.  Following are some of the highlights:

  • The majority of bloggers are hobbyists who do not report income from their blogging efforts.
  • The majority of professional bloggers (those who report incomes from their blogging efforts) spend at least 10 hours per week on their blogs.
  • The majority of professional bloggers have college degrees.
  • 87% of bloggers use Facebook.
  • Facebook and Twitter are the biggest social media traffic drivers to blogs.
  • The vast majority of money earned by bloggers through their blogs comes from ad revenue.
  • Only 17% of bloggers cite blogging as their sole source of income.

Where do you fit into these statistics?  Leave a comment and share your thoughts on the 2010 Blog Economy.Image: Grasshopper Group

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