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The world has gone mobile, and in 2013, the average time spent with digital media per day will surpass TV viewing time for the first time according to research by eMarketer.The rapid growth in time spent with digital media is coming from mobile and will continue to grow and shift the balance away from both television and desktop content consumption in the coming years.Companies have been slow to adapt to the changing media consumption landscape, particularly in developing mobile optimized email marketing campaigns. To put the importance of mobile in perspective, Bolt Insurance created the infographic shown below which offers a number of statistics related to the mobile landscape in 2013.Some highlights from the data in the infographic include the following:

  • 56% of American adults own smartphones.
  • Nearly 4 out of 5 smartphone users check email on their devices.
  • 1 out of 3 smartphone users screen email messages on a mobile device before viewing them on a computer.
  • 70% of consumers delete email messages that don't display well on their mobile devices.
  • 48% of businesses don't know how many of their email messages are read on mobile devices.
  • 3 out of 4 businesses don't optimize their email messages for mobile devices.

Mobile is taking the lead in a variety of areas from making phone calls and sending text messages to checking email, accessing the internet, playing games, making purchases, and more. Making sure that your Authoritative Content is mobile-friendly is critical to your ongoing success. Fortunately, there are some alternatives to help your content go mobile:

  1. Create a mobile website or implement responsive design on your website to ensure content renders well on mobile devices.
  2. Create a mobile app to provide your content to mobile audiences.
  3. Syndicate your content through a provider like Newstex, making it available to content distributors who offer it to end-user audiences through both closed systems and mobile apps.

You can learn more about taking your content to the mobile audience, in Newstex's free ebook, “The Publisher’s Guide to Mobile and Tablet Development." It's filled with information that explains the differences between native apps, the mobile web, and hybrid approaches as well as the reasons why a publisher would choose one over the other.You can view the full "Going Mobile" infographic below.

Going Mobile: Mobile Email Infographic

Via: BOLT Insurance

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