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David Meerman Scott, bestselling author, marketing strategist, and long-time advisor to Newstex, has completed updated his internationally-bestselling book, The New Rules of Marketing & PR, and it's now available!The reason this book has been popular for so many years is because it succinctly explains the current landscape of the marketing and public relations worlds and teaches you how to use the tools available to you to reach buyers directly.Even if you've read previous versions of The New Rules of Marketing & PR, the new Fourth Edition is so comprehensively updated that it's almost like reading a completely new book. David revised everything and added 70 pages covering topics like newsjacking, Instagram, Pinterest, infographics, and more. He also updated many of the case studies with fresh, timely, and relevant stories, which equates to another 100 pages of new content.David put together a video preview of The New Rules of Marketing & PR, Fourth Edition, which you can see below.

Preview of the 4th edition of The New Rules of Marketing & PR by David Meerman Scott from David Meerman Scott on Vimeo.You can also check out the SlideShare presentation below to follow the evolution of The New Rules of Marketing & PR since it first debuted in 2007 to see how things have changed over the past five years.[slideshare id=23505788&doc=slidesharenrmpr4e-130626053428-phpapp01]As David says in a press release from his publisher, John Wiley & Sons:

“If you’re buying that Super Bowl ad to score great tickets to the game, designing a creative magazine ad to win an award for your agency, creating a book of press clips to show your bosses or trying to get your CEO on TV, then the new rules are not for you. However, if you're like millions of smart marketers and entrepreneurs whose goal is to communicate with buyers directly; if you're working to make your company more visible online; if you want to drive people into your company’s sales process so they actually buy, apply, join, subscribe or donate, then I wrote this book for you.”

So which marketer or entrepreneur are you based on David's descriptions above? If you're the latter, then The New Rules of Marketing & PR, Fourth Edition is a great read. And if you're the former, you should read this book and start rethinking the marketing rules you're following.You can learn more about David and his book on his blog, Web Ink Now, which is syndicated through Newstex. David's mobile app was also developed by Newstex. Follow the preceding link to check it out.