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Publishers Guide to Mobile and Tablet Development Ebook Cover

Newstex has released a new free ebook, "The Publisher's Guide to Mobile and Tablet Development," which is available for download now.The ebook was authored by Barry Graubart, President of Content Matters LLC, and is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution License. That means you're free to download it, write about it, share it, and talk about the content of the ebook in your own content as long as you attribute the ebook as your source."The Publisher's Guide to Mobile and Tablet Development" is written specifically for content publishers---from B2B information services, news providers and consumer magazines to specialized newsletter publishers. The ebook looks beyond the hype of mobile apps and content delivery to identify fundamental decisions that publishers have to make in order to effectively develop a mobile and tablet strategy.The 12-chapter ebook demystifies mobile content business models, platforms, and devices. It also explains the differences between native apps, the mobile web, and hybrid approaches as well as the reasons why a publisher would choose one over the other. Extensive details about the elements of a great app, how to market an app, and how to measure its success are also provided.Bottom-line, this ebook educates publishers about the strategic decisions they need to make in order to develop a mobile and tablet app, and it helps them identify the best choices to reach their unique goals. This is an area Newstex understands. As Newstex president Larry Schwartz explained in a press release announcing the ebook's release,

"Mobile and tablet app development is challenging for publishers. Newstex has been developing mobile and tablet apps for publishers for years, and we understand those challenges. This ebook should clarify some of the strategic decisions that publishers need to make during the development process."

As Larry mentioned, Newstex understands how to build mobile apps for publishers. The ebook even includes case studies about the LexisNexis and PR Newswire mobile apps, which were developed by Newstex. The Newstex Enterprise Mobile Platform enables rapid deployment of apps for publishers that offer content via subscription or enterprise sales as well as for large-scale content companies (e.g., LexisNexis). Apps feature full-text search, real-time story delivery, push-notifications, account synchronizations, advanced permissions, and detailed user analytics.Download the free ebook now.