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Did you know that nearly one out of two companies rely entirely on desktop websites to display their content? That's just one statistic found in the Mobile Marketing in 2013 infographic from Uberflip shown below. Taking a closer look, you can see that just 27% of companies also have a mobile site while 7% have an app and 21% have both a mobile site and an app.Gathering statistics from research studies by Econsultancy and Adobe, the Uberflip team shows just how far behind most companies, brands, and online publishers are when it comes to having a mobile strategy that supports multiple devices. Only 25% of brands have a mobile strategy according to Econsultancy.The two trends dominating web and mobile design these days are: building device-specific sites and using responsive design to build a single site that renders effectively on multiple devices. An article that I wrote for about responsive design, which included an interview I did with Jody Resnick of Trighton Interactive, is also cited as a source that Uberflip used to create the infographic. You can read that article here.Both design strategies have pros and cons, and you can read more about mobile development options and considerations in the free ebook from Newstex, “The Publisher’s Guide to Mobile and Tablet Development.”The infographic also addresses statistics and concerns over mobile app marketing. Did you know that the Apple App Store and Google Play have a combined total of 700,000 apps, but only one out of three of those apps have ever been downloaded?The world has gone mobile and multi-device. Having a desktop website only isn't enough anymore, and the longer companies, brands, and publishers wait to "go mobile" the further behind they'll fall.Do you have a mobile strategy for your content yet? Leave a comment below and share your thoughts on mobile design for content publishers.And here is the full infographic from Uberflip.

mobile marketing 2013 infographic from uberflip

Image: Ayhan Yildiz

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