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SlideShare is the leading presentation sharing site, but for Authoritative Content publishers, it's still one of the most untapped content marketing opportunities. Not only is it easy to repurpose your content and expand its reach using SlideShare, but you can also supplement your content with presentations, ebooks, and more to drive new traffic to your primary website or blog.Recently, Roger C. Parker published 22 to-dos for SlideShare success on the Content Marketing Institute blog as well as a handy SlideShare proofing checklist that I highly recommend. His steps to SlideShare success are succinct, highly actionable, and very effective. For example, Roger shares the following tips for uploading your presentation to SlideShare:

  1. Convert your presentation files to Adobe Acrobat PDF to preserve text formatting.
  2. Check each link after uploading your presentation to make sure all of your links work.
  3. Double-check the tags that appear with your presentation to make sure they're complete and accurate.
  4. Create links between your SlideShare presentation and social media sites like Twitter and LinkedIn.
  5. If you include an audio narration, be sure to create Notes and rehearse.
  6. Consider adding a video to reinforce key ideas in your presentation or to invite prospects to take action.

These are great tips for getting the most out of SlideShare, and I would add a few more for Authoritative Content publishers:

  • Make sure your presentation title is highly relevant to the content and includes at least one keyword phrase.
  • Don't forget to include keyword tags with your uploaded presentation, so people can find it through searches.
  • Take a minute to type a great description, and be sure to include the URL to your website.
  • Make sure your URL appears on every page of your presentation.
  • Allow people to embed and download your presentation to increase its reach.
  • Include a transcript (it's great for SEO).
  • Once your presentation is uploaded and live on SlideShare, test it and make sure it works.
  • Embed the presentation in your own website, on your LinkedIn profile, on your Facebook Page, and so on. People like to consume different types of content, so give them choices.
  • If the content of your presentation is time-sensitive in any way, be sure to include the date within the presentation and description.
  • Proofread, and make sure design elements, type, colors, and so on are consistent from one page to the next.
  • Brand your presentation before you upload it, so it's obvious who created it. For example, include your logo in the footer of every slide. (Hint: That's a good place to put your URL, too).

SlideShare can be extremely useful for spreading your content, growing your audience, and driving new and repeat traffic to your Authoritative Content. Give it a try as part of your content marketing plan! Also, check out 5 ways to extend your content on Pinterest.Image: SlideShare