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It could be said that 2010 was the year of content.  Social media was no longer the new kid on the block and people from around the world and from nearly every demographic segment were adopting the tools of social media to communicate, share and promote.In 2010, content was moving into the spotlight, setting the stage for 2011 as the year of valuable, relevant authoritative content.

2011 is the year of authoritative content.

2011 is almost upon us, so let's take a look at some of the authoritative content trends coming in the new year so you can position your content, business, and brand for maximum success.

1. No value = no point.

2011 will show some separation in the clutter of online content.  If your content doesn't add value to people's lives and the online conversation, there will be little point in publishing it.  Authoritative content that adds value will stand out from that clutter.

2. Communities, not segments.

Authoritative content will be created for the engaged online communities that consume that content.  In 2011, no longer will simple demographic segmentation and content targeting be enough.  Instead, publishers must match their authoritative content to the communities of people who consume that content, discuss it, share it, and make it their own.

3. Authenticity matters.

A core imperative for successful social media marketing has always been a need for honesty.  In 2011, more and more content will move from a corporate, dictatorial tone to a personable, trustworthy voice.  The authoritative content publishers who are perceived as real people with real thoughts and opinions will rise to the top in terms of developing powerful brand images and loyal brand advocates.

4. Exposure is essential.

Thanks to social media marketing, many people have already begun to understand that allowing your conversations and content to flow freely to audiences is more important than trying to keep that content hidden behind a fee or email capture form.  Even authoritative content benefits immensely if it is allowed to spread freely.

5. Accuracy counts.

In 2010, people learned that the social web is a great place to get information on breaking news before traditional news outlets can deliver it.  However, with that speed comes inaccuracy because people don't always verify the accuracy of the information they post on Twitter or Facebook.  Even traditional media outlets have been fooled by inaccurate tweets.  In 2011, authoritative content will require accuracy.What do you think is coming for content, specifically authoritative content in 2011?  Leave a comment and share your predictions.Image: stock.xchng

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